Daily Surf Report - 8/10/2015

Inspirational Quote Of The Day:   
"A concept is a brick. It can be used to build a courthouse of reason, or it can be thrown through a window." - Gilles Deleuze

A swirling mix of fog, mist, and a tremendous sun makes early morning vibes uncertain at best in the BO. Parking is thin, but not unattainable, as barnacles and vampires seek satisfaction from the high seas. The zephyrs do not blow with the previous day's ferocity, but consult the charts and tea leaves for the afternoon hours. Evidence mounts that reality is all our construct, so be your own choice today.

CHANNEL: There is reason for a measured rejoicing as Mali-Bo rights have clocked in and are on the job, though in it's usual inconsistent manner. Those brave souls seeking stoke may sit for moments that seem like weeks in between shapes of note, but when they arrive a flurry of activity rides it's wake. Shadows seen at higher peaks than one is accustomed to are also in the mix, but highly sought. Be mindful of your neighbor, as it is likely they shall not watch for you.

PATCH: Forlorn, forgotten, and reading Keats by the peat fire.

Respect the Beach

HIGH: 10:23 AM  4.7'

LOW: 3:02 PM  2.5'

HIGH: 10:07 PM  6.3'

SUMMER HOURS are now in effect. 
We are open daily from 9am - 6pm from MAY through OCTOBER. 

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. We have full wetsuits for men, women and kids.  Plenty of 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing needs.