Daily Surf Report - 6/22/2015

Inspirational Crystal Quote Of The Day: 

"Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home." - James Joyce

Another grey and mist-covered morning as mid-June presents all of the usual symptoms. A current bite in the air as temps struggle to reach 50 degrees, and winds are light and variable, with occasional gusts from the NW. Though parking is already at a premium, it appears only the most determined of the vampire crew drew stoke from the veins of the sea this morn. Bodies bob and weave among shapes of little consequence, and forms are being observed heading into the modest breakers even now, although one must ponder what deeper meaning they hope to find, as the diminishing waters are taking all hopes for slides back into their briny grasp.

CHANNEL: A web of whitewater and chaos as we stare towards the exposed marker, surrounded only by sand, emptiness, and the dashed hopes of a thousand lost souls.

PATCH: As previously stated, the roster is deep and dark, as neoprene and fiberglass dot the seascape. These forms take little action, as what meager offerings are being had lack the punch of the champion. The time of impact has passed, and shall come again, but many hours lie between then and now. Take heed, and understand that as often as you seek the stoke, the stoke finds you only when the hour is right and the alignment is tight. Know that the ebb and flow determines your fate, and act accordingly.

Respect the Beach


LOW: 10:14 AM 0.4'

HIGH: 5:34 PM 5.0'

LOW: 11:24 PM 2.4'

SUMMER HOURS are now in effect. 
We are open daily from 9am - 6pm from MAY through OCTOBER. 

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. We have full wetsuits for men, women and kids.  Plenty of 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing needs.