Daily Surf Report - 12/5/2014

Inspirational crystal quote of the day: 
"Personality goes a long way." -Jules Winnfield

A brief respite in the weather likely to change during the reading of this paragraph.  Patches of clear skies and a mix of rain and fog again but accompanied by stiff S winds and peaking high tides.  Churned water still a boiling brown and a mild conglomeration of swirling ocean debris is to be watched for.  The napalm/diesel smell is gone so game on for water entry.  Temps tip toeing in at 60F and showers off and on are predicted today.  A great day for something adventurous although surfing may not be high on that list.   

CHANNEL:  Entry, access and exit are all issues to tackle if you plan on visiting the Channel this morning.  Mostly choppy and chunky conditions but a rideable wave was observed rolling through that gives us all hope.  Size is chest high and surf potential was non-negative.  It may be a 1 in 100 possibility but there is a N swell running and we may have seen a clean one come through.  Still needs time to calm down and best suited on a lower tide yet there will be surfers on it eventually and you can be one of the few today.

PATCH:  Still not recovered from the rain, wind and general stormy weather party of the past few days.  No real discernible waves are available and access is limited at best.    

Respect the Beach


HIGH: 9:58 AM  6.6' 

LOW: 4:43 PM  -0.9'

HIGH: 11:49 PM  5.0'

WINTER HOURS are now in effect. 
We are open daily from 10am - 5pm from NOVEMBER through APRIL. 

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. We have full wetsuits for men, women and kids.  Plenty of 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing.