Daily Surf Report - 11/4/2014

Inspirational crystal quote of the day:   
"If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it." - Common Sense

Good morning everybody. The sleeping lady is awake and has blessed us with another beautiful day here in our little piece of heaven. Unfortunately, the surf gods have not. The WNW swell has pushed a lot of water onto our beaches with no surf. This would be a great day to head out on a hike or a nice long bike ride in our beautiful county. The current out side temp is 52F with the forecast for the day in the low 70s. Come on out and enjoy the afternoon. 
CHANNEL:  What can I say. A whole lot of nothing in the channel, groin pole and Seadrift. Flat. Pancake-esque.

PATCH:  Same as above. Nothing.  Lake Bolinas in effect.

Respect the Beach


HIGH: 9:07 am   6.3'

LOW: 3:24 pm   -0.1'

HIGH: 10:00 pm   5.2'

WINTER HOURS are now in effect. 
We are open daily from 10am - 5pm from NOVEMBER through APRIL. 

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. We have full wetsuits for men, women and kids.  Plenty of 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing.