Daily Surf Report - 1/4/2014

Inspirational crystal quote of the day:
“The greatest power is often simple patience.” - E. Joseph Cossman

NOON UPDATE: Full sunshine and surf continues to remain clean and rideable for longboards.

Pre-optical, non-tropical, sub-human surf day.  Fear not as the fog is in and the deadly sun will not burn your pale white skin or blind your eyes.  Grab your 2 best friends and crawl out from under your rock.  Strap on the neoprene and paddle into the dark unknown.  Let the magnetic pull of the waves be your guide or better yet navigate via crystal power.  Overcast with heavy fog, no wind and 44F.  Hints and whispers of sun starting to show so head back to your cave if need be.  The ocean is glassy and there is new swell in the water.  A little steep for Bolinas but a few smooth ones are filtering in.  Tide is now on the rise so get on it as it is rideable and fun for the living and undead.

CHANNEL:  New swell from the N but a bit on the steeper size.  Now that the tide has switched it seems to be cleaning up nicely.  Waist high and glassy peelers and reelers today and you can go left in the Channel or right at Seadrift.  Super foggy with low vis but you can feel the pulse and surf by braile as required.  Still need lots of foam so bring a long board and you will have success.  Some have good shape and hold up for long rides.  All have enough juice to wake you up and stoke your surf desires.

PATCH: Still on the flat side with just a few small rights in the knee high + range.  A few SUPs testing things out and may improve later today with more water and a filling in swell. 

Respect the Beach.

LOW: 7:13 am 2.1'

HIGH: 1:18 pm 6.2'

LOW: 7:41 pm -0.7'


WINTER HOURS are now in effect. We are now open daily from 10am - 5pm from NOVEMBER through APRIL.

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. Full wetsuits, 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing needs.