Daily Surf Report - 10/5/2013

Inspirational crystal quote of the day:
“For happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you.” - Charlie Brown Character In Comic Strip Peanuts

If you don't love Fall please check yourself and correct yourself.  The kale, chard, carrots and broccoli are growing.  The sun shines brightly while the morning and evening temps drop.  Bundle up early then enjoy sun and warmth during the day.  East winds blow with warm valley air.  Offshore breezes groom up the surf.  Temps soar and all is good in the world.  Reap the benefits of Mother Nature's bounty.  Very sunny and clear now moderate winds.  Temp is 63F and warming by the minute.  A small but steep S swell is on the buoys but not translating to much yet.  Get your refractive crystal out and make some sense of all the ocean has to offer.  A nice beach day for sure.  Get yourself in the water and chew your Purple Sage later. 

CHANNEL:  Beautiful morning with meager wave action.  Good sandbars but not too much swell hitting them right now.  Still a decent contingent of about 10 in the water making efforts on thigh high waves.   Longboards will work but some patience and effort will be required. 

PATCH:  Needs more time and water and may get working if this new S swell is for real.  Right now flatness with the occasional inside roller that kinda sorta wants to break then doesn't.  Might be worth checking in on later as the day progresses. 
PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT.  Respect the Beach.


LOW:  5:48 am  1.4'

HIGH: 12:16 pm  6.0'

LOW:  6:25 pm  0.1'


SUMMER HOURS are now in effect. We are now open daily from 9am - 6pm from MAY through OCTOBER.

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. Full wetsuits, 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing needs.