Daily Surf Report - 6/30/2013

An important message from the Sandbar Conservation Coalition:
Attention all surfers and beach goers.  In an effort to help preserve and grow the current sandbar population in Bolinas we are asking you to please leave the sand on the beach.  Do NOT bring it all back on your wet wetsuits or stuck to the melted wax on your boards.  This sand ends up in the public sewer system and clogs drains.  It diminishes our vital surfing resource which are sandbars that form and groom waves.  Thank you for your prompt attention to this epidemic problem.
More heat inland for today and into Wednesday. 
Un-official temps recorded yesterday were records and are listed here:
Bolinas 92
Fairfax 118
San Rafael 120
Petaluma 119
Santa Rosa 135
Sacramento 151
Head to the beach for some relief and catch a few waves as well.  We have sunny skies and a morning temp of 60F with no wind to start the day.  A full parking lot already with plenty of surfers in the water and more coming.  S swell dropping but still out there in the water along with a bit of NW windswell.  Definitely waves to ride but smaller than in the past 2 days.  Morning tides are good and evening tides are better.   
CHANNEL:  Smaller but plentiful with thigh to almost waist high waves to ride at a few spots.  Outside Channel bar is set and hopefully will stay that way.  There are good lefts to ride there until the tide bottoms out.  Outgoing flow making it hard to stay on your spot but bring a longboard and be rewarded.  Inner Groin bar has waves as well that are smooth and thigh high.  Mali-BO and inside the Channel proper has some rideable rollers that will run for a while if you are in the right spot.  Water is warm and air is hot. 

PATCH: Scattered waves to ride with the S swell still showing and delivering a few waves to ride.  Not as consistent in between the sets but there are rights way outside and mid-way as well in the thigh high +.  Inside waves for the moment as the tide is still good.  Bring the trusty log and paddle out.

PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT. Respect the Beach.


HIGH:  6:13 am  4.1'

LOW:  11:45 am 1.2'

HIGH:  6:44 pm  5.9'

SUMMER HOURS are now in effect. We are now open daily from 9am - 6pm from MAY through OCTOBER.

Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards, and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

Lots of NEW and USED boards are in the racks so come check it out. Full wetsuits, 3 and 5mm booties, hoods and gloves are in stock as well. If you are in need of a new suit or board now is a great time to shop. We have all the gear for your cold water surfing needs.