Daily Surf Report - 9/22/2011

1:30pm Update:
Sun / 71F / Surf continues

Overcast and misty skies with light sideshore winds. Temp is 57F and patches of sun are peaking through at the higher elevations.

First real N swell on the buoys and showing in the water. 10' @ 15secs. Energy in the water at both spots today.

Channel: Chest high + with lefts on the deeper Channel bar and rights on the Seadrift side which may be the better wave today. Lots of longboards in the water but shorter boards will work on the inner sections which have more power with the current tide.

Patch: Scattered lines working in the thigh to almost waist high size. Mostly rights with some lefts mixed in. Still a log spot as the waves are relatively soft but very rideable.

Put the new Krypt MT5 surf mats through the initial paces and they passed with flying colors. When you are on a mat it is always overhead. It is truly like a dream. Come check them out!

Just a reminder to pack your trash!!! PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT. Respect the Beach.

High: 9:11 am 4.5'
Low: 1:57 am 2.9'
High: 7:48 pm 5.5'

We are now open daily from 9am - 6pm for our Summer hours from MAY through OCTOBER. Come out to rent if you need gear. We have a full selection of suits, boots, boards and SUPs to rent every day and are only 522 steps to the beach.

If your are in need of a new suit or board now is the time to pick something up as we are fully stocked with new gear. The rack has everything from Mini Simmons, fishes and eggs to classic longboards. We also have plenty of wetsuits, hoods, gloves and booties for your cold water surfing.