Cloudy and overcast with a light side / on-shore breeze. Mild temps, no rain but no sun either.
Surf is in the 2'+ range at the Channel, out front and The Patch. Looks like to precursor to the big NW swell scheduled to arrive on Sat. You can surf and ride a longboard today and there are people putting their suits on and heading out now.
10:07 am - 5.9' High
4:47 pm - -0.1' Low
11:47 pm - 5.0' High
Surf is in the 2'+ range at the Channel, out front and The Patch. Looks like to precursor to the big NW swell scheduled to arrive on Sat. You can surf and ride a longboard today and there are people putting their suits on and heading out now.
10:07 am - 5.9' High
4:47 pm - -0.1' Low
11:47 pm - 5.0' High